Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Reality Check

Can you believe it Christmas season already? It's crazy! Time flies by so fast! So much things have been going on in my personal life recently that I haven't had time to film and upload a video. I have a Halloween Vlog I wanted to post, but YouTube is being difficult for the past few days which is not helping my situation. I figured out why it was being difficult. My file size is too big to upload. It makes no sense because I have uploaded videos that are a lot bigger in size and yet YouTube is giving me difficulty with this one.

This past week I realized where I need to be in this point of my life. I was employed with a company that took away so much time I could have used to do the things I love. Such as my Twitter, YouTube, blog and seeing my family/boyfriend/friends. The hours of the job were not working for me. I have so many things that I wanted to do but can't because I didn't have time. I am glad I realized this because if I didn't, you would not be reading this blog post right now. I am happy about where I am in my life right now and I am glad I made this decision now, rather than later.

I have so many videos to film for you guys! I literally have bags of things I bought over the past few weeks sitting in my room. I don't even have the time to film! Now that I do have more time to do the things I love, you will be seeing videos from me soon. Believe me, I feel so guilty that I have not updated a video in forever! I shall be seeing you soon!

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