Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I suck at blogging already....Sorry!

So I know I have not updated my blog at least once a week like I said in my new years resolutions for this year. But I did miss last week for a good reason. I will explain why...
  1. I volunteered at a luxury wedding show on Sunday January 8th for the majority of the day then hung out with Shawn later that night to watch Kourtney and Kim Take on New York (KKTNY). Love that show!
  2. Monday, I had a doctor's appointment that morning to do a TB test. Discovered I got major back pain since I was heels all day Sunday. Vomited 3 times that day because I couldn't even cook food for myself since I was in so much pain so I just ate random stuff I could easily grab. I was home alone for most of the day. Lesson learned, wear flats when standing for long periods of time. I don't own a pair of fancy/cute/girly black flats to go with formal dresses. I am on the search to find one so if you know of any, send me links!!
  3. Tuesday, I was still in back pain so stayed home from work.
  4. Wednesday, I worked all day. Back pain was finally going away.
  5. Thursday, went to the doctor to get my results for the TB test. I do not have TB so YAY!!! I also woke up with a sore throat and it escalated from there. I jsut got more and more sick. I started getting a runny nose and felt just disgusting.
  6. Friday to Monday, I was literally dying from being so sick. I couldn't even see Shawn on Thursday to watch Jersey Shore. It's our tradition that we do. Same thing for Sunday with KKTNY.
  7. Tuesday, it was my second day of my co-op job and I watched Glee and The L.A. Complex with Shawn that night.
So now I finally have the opportunity to blog! I hope you enjoyed this update blog. It's so hard to get in the habit to blog, especially since I hardly ever post here. But I really need to keep this blog up and going.

I am thinking about posting my monthly Glymm Box reviews on this blog. What do you think? Instead of filming a video, I will post it on this blog instead. Let me know your thoughts!!


  1. I think u should post your monthly glymm box review on your blog and on your YouTube cannel. Plz comment if u want. I have already writing 2 comments but I fell like u didnt read them or whatever. But that's all right. I really like your videos.

    1. sorry! i wish blogger would e-mail me whenever someone comments on my blog post. i will make it a priority to check if i got any new comments. i apologize!!
