Hello my fellow friends! I know I haven't been on YouTube in about two weeks but school has honestly been taking up way too much of my time. It's that time of the year where I have finals and big group projects coming up but I promise you guys that I will be back as soon as things slow down. I have also been busy with friends and attending events for my program. Part of my event program, we are required to attend at least three of our classmates events. I have had a blast at all three of mine! I wish I could just attend events for the rest of my life. That would be so much fun. Below I am going to attach some photos of the last few weeks so you guys can see what I have been up to!!
Me at registration for Be A Kid For A Day (June 24). One of the events that my friends in my program were holding. |
Me and a few girls from my program at their event called Unmask The Night (July 19). |
On Mariposa Cruises - The Northern Spirit with a few of my high school friends! (July 21) |
A beautiful shot that I took of the Toronto skyline while I was on the boat!
I hope to see you guys soon! I won't be too long! the last day of school is August 16 so hopefully I can sneak in a video by then! Love you all!!